Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Air Filtration Systems
The advanced air filtration systems for the reduction of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) were developed with a combination of activated carbon and High Efficiency Particle Air (HEPA) filters.
Activated carbon has been widely accepted as the safest, most effective way to treat odors and chemicals, while HEPA filters are the "gold" standard for removing particles. Together the activated carbon and HEPA filters offer the most comprehensive and multipurpose air cleaning system available.
About "Activated" Carbon
Carbon that is 'activated' undergoes a process that opens up millions of tiny pores and fissures to enhance the material's adsorbent properties. The process creates a very large internal surface area, which is key to the power of activated carbon - the more surface area - the more the carbon can absorb. Only one pound of activated carbon typically has a surface area of 125 acres. Activated carbon is so effective that it's used in military gas masks.
About HEPA Filters
HEPA stands for high efficiency particulate air filter and describes a filter that can remove at least 99.97% of airborne particles 0.3 microns in diameter. Particles of this size are used to evaluate the performance of a filter because they are among the most difficult to remove. However, particles that are larger or smaller than 0.3 microns can be filtered with even greater efficiency due to the nature of the filter's design. True HEPA filters are composed of a dense web of fibers designed to trap particles. This type of filter was first used in the 1940's to trap radioactive contaminants in the air and protect scientists who were developing the first nuclear weapons. Today, HEPA is considered the safest and most efficient method to treat airborne particles.

US Building Laboratories, Inc. offers three (3) series of air filtration systems: 6000 Series, RAP Series, and the RSU Series. The filtration systems are freestanding, plug-and-play, units requiring no dedicated electrical installation while offering a small footprint and low-energy consumption.
The 6000 series features a selection of heavy-duty air purifiers, ideal for large homes, businesses and industries. With up to 36 pounds of activated carbon, these units feature the most filtration media available for chemical and odor adsorption, as well as a HEPA filtration system for airborne particles.
The RAP series features four models of air scrubbers, with up to 120 pounds of activated carbon, which is ideal for areas measuring up to 1500 square feet. These units are distinguished by their aesthetic design and their quiet, yet powerful filtration capacity.
The RSU series features five models of air scrubbers. With up to 120 pounds of activated carbon, these units can be used in areas measuring up to 1500 square feet. These powerful units work to adsorb and thereby reduce gases and odors, then circulate filtered air back into the affected area.

To view descriptions for each of the systems click here.
Note: The air filtration products included herein are not to be considered medical devices, medication or products that are in any way capable of treating or mitigating any medical conditions.
Recommended Models: RSU & RAP Series
With up to 2230 square inches of carbon adsorbent surface area and the highest total carbon surface (TCS) available on the market, the RAP and the RSU series offer more than twice the filtration power of other units. This heavy-duty filtration power comes in the smallest footprint available, making these series the perfect fit for any home, business or industrial application.
6000 Series
RAP Series

RSU Series